Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What do YOU want, no one else, JUST YOU?”

What do YOU want, no one else, JUST YOU?”

Exodus 23:2
“You must not follow the crowd in doing wrong. When you are called to testify in a dispute, do not be swayed by the crowd to twist justice.

Life is very hard, we are surrounded by people that want us to act a certain way or be a certain person.  They want us to do for them, to be there for them only when they need us.  They want us to join them in talking about someone or act in a crime against that person.  We get stuck in traffic and think cutting out of the line to going head on with other cars will get us quicker to our destination.  We let doors slam in a person’s face because we are too busy to stop and let them through.  We rant and rave if someone gets a promotion ahead of us because we deserved it more.  We walk around with negative thoughts thinking everyone in the world is against us and we are all alone.  We disregard stop signs because no one is looking.  We walk around telling lies to others because we want them to think we are oh so important. 

Matthew 19:2
Large crowds followed him, and he healed them there.

All of these things are merely examples of how we let the world make us “think” we need to act, avoiding doing the right thing.  Following the world leaves us all broken, aching for more and needing something at all times.  Do you want to know the way to peace and happiness?  Do you want to know who loves you more than you love yourself?  Do you want to know how you can be set free from the bondage of sin and live with joy & contentment your entire life?  Do you want to know how you can be blessed beyond measures without having to lie, cheat & steal your way to the top?  Do you want to have your entire life planned out for you and know that every single thing that happens is for the good in you?  Do you want to not be stressed, but blessed?  Do you want to sit down and be able to breathe a sigh of relief because you don’t have to live your life for everyone else?  Do you want to know that you do not have to be a part of the gang that group that says they love you but would throw you into a pit rather than save you?  Do you want to know that you do not have to be addicted to drugs and alcohol to cover up your pain?  Do you want to know that even if you have never been loved or felt love that love is real and available to you with no strings attached?  Do you want to know where you can find the answers to all your questions about life and how you are supposed to live it? 

Take one moment to listen to the following story:

A young girl age 13 hears that her parents are divorcing that she will be ripped from her childhood home and moved an hour away leaving her Father, her friends and everything she ever knew.  She starts high school not knowing a single person at a vital age where acceptance by others was the key to popularity.  She cried over and over because she didn’t understand the lifestyle changes that she had to endure and why they were happening to her.  She resented those that made these choices for her and started seeking love in other places.  She jumped into relationship after relationship, always resulting in pain and heartache, cheatings and soon beatings.  She thought everything should be accepted because if she stood up for herself love would once again walk away.  She wasn’t willing to lose another opportunity to be loved.  So she hooked up with this guy, awesome baseball player in high-school but soon noticed that rumors were starting.  They all talked about him being on something that was the reason his muscles were getting so big.  She didn’t care, she was in the relationship with him and that was all she needed was the words “we are together.”  She lost herself, her self-esteem and her backbone as trying to make him happy soon consumed her life.  On and off relationship status for almost three years made her miss every opportunity in her high-school years.  She didn’t go to events, or parties, nor have any girlfriends.  She stayed at home and waited by the phone for him to call, or for him to show up to spend time with her.  One night he demanded that if she loved him she would do what it took to show him.  He snuck into her bedroom window and she did whatever she had to, just to keep him loving her.  He left and she cried.  It was the worst pain she had ever felt.  She was mortified, emotional and feeling like she lost a part of herself she would never get back.  She was only 16 years old.  Life for this young girl would spiral into abusive relationship over and over again.  Each time she would get kicked out of one relationship she would find another.  At one time she found a good relationship with a guy that truly cared about her, but because she wasn’t used to the right way of being treated things didn’t “feel” normal and she broke his heart.  She immediately jumped into another relationship and things started getting more and more heart breaking.  She moved in and out of her mother’s home over and over again.  She moved in with one guy, then back home and back out to live with another guy before she even unpacked.  Life was never once lived for this girl.  Life was always devoted to and centered on the guy that didn’t love her and didn’t care enough about her to let her be herself. 

I will continue to tell you more and more about this story, the difficulties, struggles & hardships that she would face.  Eventually landing her in a place where she could go nowhere but to her knees to bring herself back up.  This young girl was placed in a situation she had no control over at the age of 13.  She wasn’t old enough or mature enough to see that she was not the reason her parents fell apart.  She developed all she could from her immature mind and started trying to fill the voids in her life with one bad piece at a time.  She was headed for an explosion of inner emotions that would soon shift her to a place where she had to make choices and decisions for not only herself. 

1 John 3:20
Whenever our conscience condemns us, we will be reassured that God is greater than our conscience and knows everything.

We are all out there in the world with a past.  It may have been marked with easy life going decisions that were made for you by loving and guiding parents, or like this young girl you may have been faced with heartbreak at an early age.  You may have been through things you cannot even bring yourself to talk about, but let me tell you how all this pain can and will go away.  There is a man who sent his only begotten son to live a sinless life to go around telling everyone the good news, performing miracle after miracle and showing everyone the “right” way to live their life.  If we had a person like that today visible for us to see and this person was going around preaching the good news, telling us we were loved and telling us how to avoid a life of destruction would we listen?  Would we shun him?  What if he was dressed in rags looked as if he hadn’t bathed in a week and stood alone on the side of the road, would we listen to him?  Would we even care?  That’s how this sinless teen was treated; they mocked him, made fun of him and called him horrible names.  They would rather curse him than admit they were uneducated and curious.  It’s time we stop look to others for what they want for our lives and starting living our lives for the one that died for us.  Don’t base your life, your morals, your attitude or your future off of how someone else treats you or wants you to be.  Be the you that God made, the you that God wants you to be. 

Ephesians 2:8
God saved you through faith as an act of kindness. You had nothing to do with it. Being saved is a gift from God.

Notice in this verse it says YOU have been saved through faith.  Faith is a very strong word meaning complete trust or confidence in God based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.  I think the Bible is proof enough of the faith we must have to follow Jesus.  The verse is speaking to each and every one of us through a direct line.  Notice how it also says that “faith is not our own but a gift from God.”  Meaning we cannot do anything on our own free will, even faith must be given to us as a gift from God because he loves us unconditionally.  He wants us to believe in his word and see his amazing gifts for our life through our faith.  When our faith is down we look to others and material things to bring us up.  Many people go shopping; buy things just to make them happy.  Some go out and do for others to lift their spirits.  Whatever we do, unless it is working on our faith and done out of God’s love we will stay rooted in the same unsatisfied chair you are in right now.  Do things that are pleasing to God, not pleasing to others.  Don’t walk around feeling bitterness and resentment for others in how they treat you or how you feel.  You have a right to be who God wants you to be and if someone else doesn’t like it then pray about it.  Ask God to deliver you from the evil spirit that completely surrounds you.  Let God take you from the moment you are in right now full of pain and grief and rebirth you into something miraculous and amazing that has his handprints all around you.  Don’t let someone else’s word define who or what you are.  You are you, the child God created with his own hands, planted in your mother’s womb, watched over you for 9 months long while you grew, that is a miracles in itself.  If the birth process is not a testimony of Gods amazing love for our lives and true evidence and proof that he is real then I don’t know what else would be. 

Matthew 7:13
Enter through the narrow gate because the gate and road that lead to destruction are wide. Many enter through the wide gate.

You have a decision; you can continue living the life you are living right now every single day feeling helpless, hopeless and out of sync for your future.  Or, you can plant your feet firmly in the ground, give up your own selfish gain and relinquish the control only YOU can hold over your life.  You may be controlled by others emotionally, led by the world physically, but spiritually you are the only one that can go to the father with your arms stretched wide releasing yourself and following him.  NO one can make you believe in anything you do not want to believe in.  People may force you to go here or there, but they cannot physically reach inside your heart and make you have faith in what they want.  If you are not a child of Christ then that is because you have not taken that very first step of faith needed to move you in the right direction.  You need to surround yourself with people who do not believe in pure luck, but believe in pure Godliness.  You need to surround yourself with people who look for the God moments in every single situation whether it be good or bad, and move ahead in a positive direction while learning from things they have gone through.  A person who goes through a difficult situation and walks away from it with their head hanging down is not putting their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, because if they were they would be looking to Heaven knowing that God has everything under control.  We need to evaluate where our focus is at, not where others want our focus to be.  We need to start thinking about our salvation, our final resting place or eternal destination.  This world is going crazy, people are doing insane things to others, wars and fighting are all over and it is not going to get any better.  Eventually I imagine God will have had enough pain for his people and he will come back to take us all home.  I feel that time will be soon.  Please get your life focused around the one that matters and will never forsake you not centered on the one that is motivated by selfish gain and could care less where you spend your eternity.  Your destination and final resting place is completely one hundred percent up to you and the words you speak when you ask Jesus to come into your heart.  NO one can force religion or salvation on you; you have to WANT it for your life.   You have to say enough with the road that leads me to despair, unhealthy relationships, sins that jeopardize my eternity and people who influence me to destroy my dreams.  Place yourself in your Fathers hands, bow before him, admit you have sinned, and look up to him to forgive you instantly, and lead you into a destination that you can only dream about.  Where you will still sin, but repent.  You will learn from your sins and you will be well equipped to handle the sinners that try to steer you off course. 

Psalm 119
Blessed are those whose lives have integrity, those who follow the teachings of the Lord.  Blessed are those who obey his written instructions.  They wholeheartedly search for him.  They do nothing wrong.     They follow his directions.  You have commanded that your guiding principles be carefully followed.  I pray that my ways may become firmly established so that I can obey your laws.  Then I will never feel ashamed when I study all your commandments.  I will give thanks to you as I learn your regulations, which are based on your righteousness.  I will obey your laws.  Never abandon me.

Today your life can change forever in the most amazing way.  You can finally decide that the road blocks you keep hitting over and over again are not worth it.  The despair and constant agony you keep putting yourself through is not worth it.  The way you are headed in your life right now is not going to lead you to a life of pure blessing.  The trials although rigid at this very moment will only become more and more progressed if you do not make changes.  It’s not something you have to go out and buy, but it is a life change.  It’s taking your selfish gain of your life out of your primary focus and letting God take control.  Living not by what you “think or feel,” but releasing complete control of the wheel.  Letting God direct your paths and clear them as well.  If you will relinquish the wheel you will not continue to hit road block and wall of doubt, you will grow and prosper in Gods amazing words.  You will have a cushion to fall on when things knock you off track.  You will know that your life is already planned, God has designed the blueprint of your life and all you have to do is sit back trust, believe and have faith in him.  Leave your old lifestyle, change your habits, get new friends, but pray for the old ones and allow God to completely change your life.  Once you let it go and tell God you can no longer do this on your own, ask God to come into your heart and watch the miraculous fireworks explode as a new angel has been born.   You will be forever changed, forever molded in Gods glory and forever saved.  You will have marked your destiny with a Heaven symbol and can live in complete confidence that you are forever a child of the most high God.

2 Corinthians 1:20
Certainly, Christ made God’s many promises come true. For that reason, because of our message, people also honor God by saying, “Amen!”

I promise you this is one decision you will NEVER regret, but never stop reading God’s word, one day at a time.  He will bring to life what he wants you to hear.  A teacher never stops learning so they can be the most refined role model in the student’s eye.  Just like a teacher a Christian follower of God can never stop learning about Gods amazing wisdom or ever let their guard down.  The devil is lurking around every single corner.  There is nothing more intimidating to the devil as a new Christian.  Remember whatever the devil does or says, God can and will triumph it, but you have to be open to seeing the good and the bad in every situation and ultimately knowing “GOD IS IN CONTROL.”

You can do this, join us, the alternative life is not worth you losing your life. 

Believe like an angel, serve like an angel and fly with the angels.  Those that have wings of faith, soar like eagles.

God Bless you today and every day,


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