Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Let God have the battle:

Let God have the battle:
When you go through the sea, I am with you.  When you go through rivers, they     will not sweep you away.  When you walk through fire, you will not be burned, and the flames will not harm you.
We all go through day to day things where we could possibly get into a battle with someone over something.  Someone attacks us or causes us discomfort for no reason.  Someone imposes in our circle of contentment destructing things that mean the most to us.  Someone mysteriously causes others to gossip about or cause trouble for your life.  Someone does something that sets us off and makes us want to guard ourselves.  Someone calls and says you owe a bill that you know you cannot pay at the time.  Someone at your job stabs you in the back to climb the ladder.  All of these are merely illustrations of day to day battles that we may face unexpectedly and instantly cause us to “want” to fight them or shield ourselves.  Here is the great news, the news that God wants you to comprehend; we do NOT have to fight these battles.  Once you receive Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and Savior the scuffles are no longer yours.  God wants us to go throughout life living the divine destiny that he has set forth in motion for our lives.  If we stop to face and take care of every single encounter that comes our way we are constantly putting our faith & destiny on the back burner.  God will take care of all the areas of wrongdoings, bouts of wounding or occurrences that may come your way. 
You won’t fight this battle. Instead, take your position, stand still, and see the victory of the Lord for you, Judah and Jerusalem. Don’t be frightened or terrified. Tomorrow go out to face them. The Lord is with you.”
It takes faith to believe that God wants to vindicate you, but He really does. Don’t make the mistake of sinking down to your offenders’ level, getting into arguments and fighting. That will just make matters worse. Leave it up to God. Take the high road, respond in love, and watch what God will do. If you will do it God’s way, he’ll not only fight your battles for you, but in the end, you’ll come out better off than you were before.  God doesn’t want us to waste our time and energy fighting battles that we have no control over.  If someone says something detestable to or about you, will you change their way of thinking just by battling them?  No, they feel the way they do because of self-seeking motives most likely stemmed from bitterness.  You cannot win by battling them; they may just be destructive and looking for company for their misery.  You have always heard the old saying, “misery loves company.”  Well some people love getting others all riled up over things that are hurtful just to get a rise out of them.  Don’t sink to their level; remember it is not what others think about you that is important; it’s what your God thinks about you.
God will come to meet me.  He will let me gloat over those who spy on me.
We also have to remember that voicing our opinions over people is not our job.  We are not put on this earth to judge others by the things they say or do.  Everyone is responsible for their own relationship with Christ, their own final destination and the way they treat people.  We cannot make someone do or say something any more than we can control the things they do with their life.  Everyone is going to do exactly what they feel is “right” in their own eyes until they are saved by Jesus.  Once they are saved they have to take off their way of thinking and swap it with what is pleasing to God.  When we say or do things that are unpleasing to God it doesn’t limit our neighbors, it limits our own capability to reach the destiny that God has set for us.  Are you being inquisitive and diving into everyone else around you or are you concentrating on how you can better serve your God?  If someone does something that you feel is not right, pray about it.  Pray that they will recognize they are off track and let God fight the battle.  It is not up to you to inhibit with what they are doing, voice your opinion and tell them off.  You will not pass your test being meddlesome.  What others do is no concern to you unless it disturbs the wellbeing and safety of your life & your immediate families lives.  If it doesn’t affect the safety of you and those around you then don’t spend so much time fixated on them.  People do things often times to see “who” is observing, how they can get to the top or who they can tick off.  If we are looking for battles we will find them.  So stop looking for a battle period. 
I have given you the authority to trample snakes and scorpions and to destroy the enemy’s power. Nothing will hurt you.
If you go to a trash dump you are going to find trash.  In the same regards if you go looking for a battle you will find one.  It will circle around you and you will then feel the “need” to defend yourself.  So let’s try real hard not to go looking for battles, let’s go looking for ways we can be an angel to someone in need.  If you need the quick fix of a battle to enhance your self-image then you need to spend some quiet time with God, asking him to show you how you are significant & stunning.  Build your self-image to a level where you are fully self-reliant in the word of Christ and no words can knock you down, no person can defeat you and no battle will be caught under your feet.  God can and will provide an alternative to battling.  He will set you up with a person that needs your words of wisdom through Jesus Christ to set them free.  Our lives do not have to be geared with the concept that if we are not standing up for everyone and everything around us we are failing.  You can only account for your voice, your actions and the paths you travel.  If you cannot account for others in the end, why do you feel the need to concern yourself with the actions they have against you.  God will handle the undesirable bombs that seem to come spiraling out of control towards your life.  Just release the pain and let God go to work.
No weapon that has been made to be used against you will succeed.  You will have an answer for anyone who accuses you.  This is the inheritance of the Lord’s servants.  Their victory comes from me,” declares the Lord.
If someone talks about you let them talk.  Listen, someone is ALWAYS going to be talking about you.  If you go to them and defend yourself you are getting an outside “quick fix” of feeling better, but internally the damage is already done. You have already heard their words and inside you are hurt.  Going to the person to simply make the matter right, is not up to you.  You may defend yourself, possibly make a sinful accusation or knock yourself off course spiritually.  Defending yourself not only makes the accuser laugh in your face because they reeled you in with their opinions, but they knocked you off course spiritually which reveals you have issues with trusting your faith.  We don’t have to make everyone around us believe that what the person said or conveyed is inaccurate, they do not hold the key to our future, only God does.  The people that stand around and listen to such gossip are just like the accuser, they have disregarded their own hearts and souls to join in and make a mockery of you.  Don’t waste your precious Christian time defending yourself among a pack of wolves.  They will tear you up and devour your self-image, self-respect and Godly principles you work so hard to stand for and model.  Let God handle the wolves.
The Lord will be your confidence.  He will keep your foot from getting caught
If you face someone who is unkind or makes you feel bad about yourself, disregard them.  Move on with your life, focus on the realness that God portrays over and over in the Bible about how much he loves his children.  Be respectful and walk away.  Don’t let the negative hatred of another person clothe you in your self-image.  You are who God made, glorious and shining like the most beautiful star.  Uniquely hand molded with your Heavenly Fathers hands to be perfect in his eyes when no one else seems to see it.  People are unkind,  lost and destructive.  If you allow yourself to get caught up in their spiraling out of control life, you will go down with them.  When you both hit rock bottom and there is no place to go but up, God will want you to come up alone.  The person who drug you into destruction will be long gone.  You will have to climb the tests of faith on your own.  So do not waste your time getting caught up in a battle that will not boost you spiritually.  If it doesn’t move you upward, move away.  And remember, sometimes God places people in your life to see just how you will handle them.  To see how high your faith and trust is in God.  To see just how you will handle the test.  Don’t let your divine destiny be limited or delayed because of someone else’s insecurities and destructive patterns.  God wants you to succeed, so if you are faced with someone who is negative, hurtful in their actions and bruising with their words, walk away.  Don’t battle them, don’t tell them how they should be, don’t feel the need to correct them or justify how they have wronged you.  Be the better person, move on but always pray for them.  It’s not being a coward to stand up for God and what is right, but it is immature to battle with a person who is lost.  They need your prayers more than they need your words of leveling them out.  Don’t lose yourself in the midst of a battle that God has told you time and time again he will fight.  All you need to concern yourself with is what you can do today to boost someone spiritually, stay on the high road and be a blessing to God and others.  Live by those simple truths, stay out of the boxing ring and watch Gods amazing unprecedented favor explode in your life.  I don’t know about you but I am tired of going to battle over and over again, it drains me emotionally and spiritually.  Who cares if someone doesn’t like me or talks about me!  If they take the time to voice how they feel about me then I must be on their mind.  If I am on their mind, they truthfully like what they see in me.  I cannot let them see me fall short of my destiny because they may be looking for an example on how believers stay firmly rooted in their faith. 
Let the kindness of the Lord our God be with us.  Make us successful in everything we do.  Yes, make us successful in everything we do.
My prayer for you today; be a blessing in the eyes to everyone you see or come in contact with.  Let God lead you and show you the path that he has set forth in motion for your life today.  Don’t become distracted by those looking to lure you off course.  Remember if God allowed you to be tempted by a problem, hateful person or destructive tongue, he will see you through.  Don’t let the battle be caught beneath your feet, brush it off, pray to God for direction & healing and stay strongly rooted in your faith.  When you release the sinful natures of others to God he will fight your battles.  Amen
Go with God, be a blessing.

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