Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Voice that turns Dilemmas into Blessings

The Voice that turns Dilemmas into Blessings

Today’s Devotion is not going to be as long as the usual ones, I am going to try to keep them to a 2 page limit from now on.  I really want you to be able to focus on the message I am sending you for the day without having to take ten minutes to read the devotion.  Now I may go off on a tangent on some topics just because God may lead me to be more in depth, but going forward they will not be so long. 

James 1:2-4
My brothers and sisters, be very happy when you are tested in different ways. 3You know that such testing of your faith produces endurance. 4Endure until your testing is over. Then you will be mature and complete, and you won’t need anything.

Today I want to take to you about all the corrupt or undesirable things in your life and how God uses them to build up an astonishing gift for you.  Sometimes in life and I know this all too well, there are days when you seem to face nothing but ruthless or disheartening news.  Have you ever had that kind of a day?  Yeah, me to on Monday this week.  Everything that could go wrong went wrong and everything I touched I dropped.  By the time 5pm rolled around my blood pressure and my nerves were so out of sync I literally had tears falling down my face but I was filled with such madness all at once.  I don’t know how you are but when I cry, I am mad about a situation not because I am sad.  Now I have tears of sadness to, don’t think I am some hardhead that only gets mad at situations, but you know what I am referring to when you have just had enough and the tears just start falling one right after another. 

1 Corinthians 15:58
So, then, brothers and sisters, don’t let anyone move you off the foundation of your faith. Always excel in the work you do for the Lord. You know that the hard work you do for the Lord is not pointless.

That was Monday for me and probably many days for you all.  When we face these issues it can seem overpowering to us as humans, but we have to remember one thing; No matter how big the issue or how disarray our life seems to be God is working if you believe in Him.  If you put God first in your life, you try hard to live your life right, treat others with a Godly attitude, pay close attention to your sin and find the God in all situations then he is working for the good in your life.  Sometimes it takes a million bad things to shape our faith into what it needs to be to thrive forward in the God areas.  God wants to wow us, he wants to knock our socks off with unbelievable blessings, but he also wants you to NOTICE the blessings.   If God blessed us with big things every single day we would come accustom to those things and barely notice them.  In an instant God can take a person who has struggled and had difficulties their entire life and turn it all around all because they have remained steadfast in their faith.  When God does this the person recognizes the blessing immediately as a clear sign from God that they are worth it.  They also know at that moment that it could only be from God.  They accept it, know it is from God give him all the praise and stand as a messenger of God’s amazing love for others.  God wants to do this for you, if you truly believe.  The thing I love about believing in Gods best for our lives is the feeling you get on the inside.  You can tell when something is of God or is NOT of God.  This still small whisper or some would call it a “gut feeling” is not your own body telling you something seems good or bad, its God.  It’s the Father leading you from within to the places you need to be or steer clear from.  Remember following, “the wrong path doesn’t just sneak up on you, you are sent clear warning signs from your Heavenly Father long before you find yourself stranded.” 

2 Corinthians 5:7
7Indeed, our lives are guided by faith, not by sight.

·         If you are riding with a bunch of friends and they suddenly start going fast in the car and you hear this small voice inside of your head that says, “you need to get out of this car it’s not safe.”  GET OUT!
·         If you are out with a group of friends having a good time and someone says lets go do this or that and you hear that voice saying, “You are tired you should probably just go home.” GO HOME
·         If you are running late and speeding down the road in the middle of a huge thunderstorm and something says, “Slow down you will make it safe but maybe late.”  SLOW DOWN
·         If you are a Mom you know this all too well….. If you are lying in bed and something tells you “Go check on the kids” GO DO IT

Hebrews 11:1
Faith assures us of things we expect and convinces us of the existence of things we cannot see.

God sends these little messages to all, whether they practice their faith or not because here is the key point, “you have a choice.”  You have a choice at that moment to listen to the small voice or react on your own conscience.  I believe that our conscience can justify situations so many times we become frustrated with what we should or should not do.  So always, always, always, go with that first still small voice you hear at the beginning.  Follow what is right and just, follow God.  If it seems wrong it probably is.  If it seems unsettling it is for a reason.  Don’t ignore the vital signs God is giving you ahead of the tragedy.

1 Corinthians 10:12-13
So, people who think they are standing firmly should be careful that they don’t fall.
 13There isn’t any temptation that you have experienced which is unusual for humans. God, who faithfully keeps his promises, will not allow you to be tempted beyond your power to resist. But when you are tempted, he will also give you the ability to endure the temptation as your way of escape.

When we put our complete faith in Him, even when things are flying all out of control and we think we cannot take another moment of despair, he is working.  When you fall down because you are so feeble from one bad situation to another, he is working.  When your children cause you to grow twenty-six new grey hairs in one week, he is working.  When the bills pile up and the money burns down, he is working.  When the job promises one thing and the pay shows another, he is working.  When one door closes another one opens if you stop trying to do things your way, listen to the small voice and do what God leads you to do.  The devil will distract you with other choices but if you pay attention to the right voice the one that looks out for your best interest from a Godly standpoint you will NOT fail. 

Ephesians 2:10
God has made us what we are. He has created us in Christ Jesus to live lives filled with good works that he has prepared for us to do.

If things still do not go right and you say to yourself what I said on Monday night, “for the past 8 years it has been one black cloud after another,” just keep pushing forward.  I promise you and I have proof that if you continue to press forward God will pull everything you have been going through together and when His plan is revealed you will be wowed beyond belief.  You will want to do backflips of joyfulness and spread the good news to all. 

Isaiah 30:21
You will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way. Follow it, whether it turns to the right or to the left.”

So dig your heals in, saddle up for the long ride with God and no matter what crosses your path know that it was needed to interfere to boost you to the next level.  Whatever you go through is part of the plan.  A puzzle doesn’t end with one piece, it has multiple, sometimes hundreds of pieces.  A puzzle with a thousand pieces doesn’t get put together over night, it takes a while.  Just like with our life plan with God, every single piece is designed for a specific place at a explicit time.  When all the pieces come together it’s a work of art only God could have coordinated.  Don’t misplace your faith, it might take months or maybe years, but once you are wowed it’s the most astounding feeling of triumph for your faith in God. You will never comprehend the feeling of success unless you TRUST YOUR GOD THROUGH THE GOOD AND BAD.

God Bless you ALL,

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