Thursday, October 2, 2014

Have you ever thought about this, is there anything that God cannot do?  I mean he seems to have everything under control, but is there one thing, even the tiniest of something that God cannot do?  The answer is yes, stick with me.  God tells us in Romans 8:28, "that God, causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them."  Two things, he works everything, not just some things, but everything out for us.  Second he works them out according to His purpose for us, not our purpose, not our plans, what He has specifically predestined us to do with our life...ahead of time.  He knows every time we fail, every time we try and never get noticed, he notices when we set out to do something nice and get caught in a cross fire between a spiritual warfare.  God knows it all, so what is left for us to do?  What is left for us to try to plan, he has already done the prep work, he has already fixed the dents, he has already laid the pathway, our job, to follow Him.  To constantly seek out a way every single day to take the high road, to take the road less traveled, to follow the narrow path that avoids painful triggers or scars.  He did all that for us, why, because he loves us and because God knew that living in a world full of selfish, self-seeking hatred would cause us to stumble over and over and produce so much temptation we would fall over and over again. So why do we start out on a journey with our goals in mind?  Why do we say I am going to follow my dreams?  Why do we take matters into our own hands and have it out for someone?  Why don't we sit back and grasp the reality that God has already decided way before you mom and daddy got busy that you would do this particular thing on this particular day with this particular outcome.  It's very simple, we get wrapped up in this world, this senseless, pathetic hell on earth world that produces nothing but selfish, vain, conceded messed up mental pictures that lead us into a pit of darkness.  I am no saint trust me, I derail daily, but I do know one thing, whatever I do has a consequence, and whatever action I take towards someone or towards myself has as human effect.  I can do things right, or I can manipulate and be fake to everyone around me, offering a fake persona of my life and what I stand for.  I don't want that, I want the picture to be a clear reflection that I am willing to do whatever it takes to save a tear, whatever it takes to save a stressor, whatever it takes to be a friend, to listen, be compassionate and above all eventually reflect an image of my maker.  Vance Havner said it best, "Faith doesn't wait until it understands; in that case, it would not be faith."  We have to be willing to dodge the odds of this world, to step out against this society of how the world thinks things should be and go against the flesh.  We have to do the right thing, have a backbone that God gave us to brace us through the storms and use the strength that comes only from the Lord to ride the waves of confusion. 

So how do we push through the tough times to see the grace that God has already put before us, it's not easy because if it were more of the world would be on board.  You have to get to a point where you have been mentally slammed against every single wall there ever was, you have to have gone through every single black cloud forming moment and weathered the storm.  If you get to a point where you can smile in the storm, see the good of why the storm might be happening or even see what is most important in the storm you have almost made it.  If something happens in your life that you have no control over, you feel helpless you have two options, make it about me, which ends in selfish gain and reflects that you are all about yourself, or look around you to find the beautiful flowers that sit among dry soil in the desert.  I have took the selfish path a lot of times and guess what that path is setup in a neighborhood that has a "no outlet" sign, you just keep going up and down streets trying so hard to find a way out.  But....if you choose to find that one truth in the midst of the problem, that one thing that makes the situation better then you have learned self control, grace, mercy and obviously forgiveness.  I have heard it said a million times before that the greatest test is when you are able to bless someone else while you are going through your own storm and I have never really gotten that, until today.  I learned the hard way that life is not always as it appears, that the picture you have before you could be merely a mirage of what the devil flashes as something good, when in reality as you get closer and closer you will see it's simply a painful puddle of what if's.  Losing ourselves among a crowd of what if's is not God's plan, His plan is for us to fully surrender every single detail of every single minute to Him, let him preview it before you write the final draft of your life, if it is not in His plan, toss the rough draft and start over.  We are fortunate enough to have that option, to have the freedom of choice, but if we act on that freedom with our own will power we have picked the selfish road, and it always ends in destruction....However if we pick the choice that is most favorable to God we can never lose.  

So if you find yourself in a situation, a storm, or a moment of the day where the papers are piling up, the phone never stops, the countless interruptions knock you further and further behind stop and breathe, evaluate your situation.  You are there because that is the plan that God has for you at that moment, if His plans change so do yours, but for the time being you are right there.  Your work load or life is as crowded as you allow it to be, meaning if you think you have too much going on then you will see it like that.  If you think you have too many hands in the pot then you will see it like that.  Hands in the pot helping to stir the tides of life is simply helping you from sinking.  I took a long hard look around me last night and I realized that yes I have a lot going on and no life doesn't seem too fair in this storm, but there are some pretty cool cheerleaders in my stands, because I have made a point to be there for them every time they needed me.  So even though the storm is horrible right now God is there, he was there yesterday and he is definitely here today and with His mercy anything is possible.  A bonus, is to know that you have made an impact on those around you, when they go out of their way to call you or drop you a line to say you are missed, you are needed, you are cared for.  And the best season of all is seeing God open doors during storms, I mean right smack in the middle of a storm God comes paddling in tossing me a life jacket to wade out the waves, but today he tossed me a boat a huge boat, with lots of treasures that I call friends.  When a wife of a coworker emails you and tells you that your commitment and kindness have blessed them both, and she feels blessed to know her husband's stress is lessened because of how deeply I care, it makes my heart smile.  I have one goal in life to do my best in everything that I do.  To be there for anyone who needs me for any type of issue.  That my gift to others, that's the least I can do when God gave His only son to save me.  Everyday is not easy, there are waves of life that crash all around me daily, my family daily and at work daily, but if we can all remember that peace doesn't come from a lake with no storms, peace comes from having Jesus riding in the boat with you.  So to answer the question, is there anything that God cannot do?  The answer is yes, God cannot ever break a promise to always pick you up, lift you up, or set you up for greater things to come.  Have you walked into your house when a storm was coming and the minute you try to slam the door another door across the house tries to open from air pressure?  Translate that into life, you close the door to potential harmful things, or it closes on its on, but at the same time God is across the room saying come to me, this door will lead you to a much better place of happiness.  Follow him, do what is right, don't wrong a right, don't fight a fight, don't have to be right, but keep Jesus in sight.  Finally, when you feel like you are drowning in life, don't worry your lifeguard walks on water.


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